Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a set of principles that underlie a process and mechanism for the management of the Company. The Company always takes into account the interests of its stakeholders while maintaining its business ethics values and the Laws and Regulations. As such, GCG becomes a reference for the Company in its efforts to maintain the Company’s long-term sustainability. GCG is definitively a system that regulates and controls the company by creating added value for Stakeholders. Accordingly, the system set up in the GCG contains a number of regulations governing the relationship between Shareholders, management, employees, and a number of other relevant Stakeholders.


Good Corporate Governance Guidelines refer to the company’s management and oversight processes that include the division of tasks, powers and responsibilities used by each company’s organs, especially for Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, and Board of Directors.

In the implementation of Good Corporate Governance as one of the indicators of work, the Company is guided by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies, Financial Service Authority Regulations (OJK), and other related regulations.

Code of Conduct of The Board Commissioner
Code of Conduct Intiland


  • The Audit Committee Charter
  • The Commissioners Charter
  • Risk Management Committee Charter
  • Internal Audit Charter
  • Nomination Remuneration Committee Charter
  • Corporate Secretary Charter

The Company has consistently paid the cash dividends on net profit after tax every year since 2011 and will continue to implement the policy for the following years.

Dividend disbursement is conducted once a year in which the amount is determined based on the profit earned in a year and Company’s condition without restricting the rights of general meeting to resolve otherwise. Dividend disbursement is executed after gaining approval from the General Meeting of Shareholders as well as recommendation from the Board of Directors, by taking into account the prevailing laws and regulations and the Company’s financial condition.

Good communication between stakeholders is required by the Company. An effective and participative communication is the key to maintain good relationship between the Company and the stakeholders. In order to create a healthy communication, the Company constantly increases its role and participation with the Stakeholders through a sustainable communication to achieve its objectives.

Intiland believes that all Stakeholders have an equal rights over public information related to the Company’s condition. Such information is then distributed based on the Stock Exchange regulation and the Company’s communication policy.

In this matter, the Company periodically updates its information channels such as its official websites at www. The website is continuously developed and updated in accordance with the Corporate Governance requirements set by the Financial Services Authority.

Intiland’s communication activities are conducted by several divisions and departments, namely:

Corporate Secretary who is responsible for acting as the main liaison officer between the Company as a public company and the Stakeholders.

Capital and Investment Management division whose function is, among others, as an Investor Relation.

Customer Relation Management Division which is responsible for maintaining relationship with the customers.

Corporate Communication which is responsible for the internal communication and works together with the Human Capital division and external communication to perform the function of media relations.

“Cut waste, not cost”

Intiland will not cut specifications just to meet the budget. When you compromise on some areas, inadvertently, we may also compromise on quality, durability, and serviceability. We will strive to give the best value to our customers without compromising on quality and functionalities that make Intiland products they way they are. In essence, in order to optimize costs, we need to cut waste, not cost.

By consistently applying such methods, we will cut waste. And even though cost cutting is not the key focus, we will achieve a reduction in overall budget realization. Anywhere between 10-15% efficiency is achievable.

The Company’s commitment to its product responsibility is realized through the functions of customer relationship management (CRM). One of the primary functions is to improve the quality of service for customers and act as a medium of communication between customers and the Company. Customers are equipped with facilities and channels to communicate with the Company, either in the form of complaints or suggestions for improving product quality.

Whistleblowing System

To support the Company in achieving its vision and mission, the Internal Audit plays an active role by opening whistleblowing system which aims to create a communication medium to collect information on any violation inside the Company and to consistently implement Good Corporate Governance. Internal Audit is also committed to ensure that each violation complaint received will be settled.

The implementation of this whistleblowing system is applicable to all employee and stakeholders. Violation defined in this system is any deviation on the Company’s regulations in relation to financial matters, either done privately or in group, to gain personal and/or group benefit that may harm the company.

Whistleblowing Channel

Email     :

Text      : 081318000921 

Whistleblowing Procedure

  1. Whistleblower shall submit the report through one of the provided channels above.
  2. Each incoming report will be followed-up by the Head of Internal Audit within 3 working days at the latest; in the form of confirmation to the Whistleblower to clarify report material together with the evidence.
  3. Then, the Head of Internal Auditor draws up a resume within 1 (one) month at the latest to be submitted to the President Director in order to determine the decision that must be taken.
  4. A report is the submitted periodically (monthly) to the Audit Committee regarding the development and the management of the whistleblowing report.

Whistleblower Protection

Internal Audit is obliged to protect and keep the confidentiality of the whistleblower’s identity as it is an essential aspect in Whistleblowing System’s process. Several important matters regarding whistleblower protection are:

  1. Confidentiality assurance over the Whistleblower’s Identity by the Company (if necessary, the identity may be made anonymous);
  2. The Company provides assurance for Whistleblower against any type of threat, intimidation, or unwanted action from any other party as long as the whistleblower keeps the confidentiality of such report from any party; and
  3. Whistleblower Protection also applies to parties conducting the investigation and those giving information related to such report/disclosure.

Intiland can not justify any form and behavior that lead to bribery and corruption with any consideration and reason, since both of these violate the law.

Accepting a bribe is an act that deliberately receives something of value in order to give a certain reward that is appropriate to the purpose and desire of the bribe.

Accepting bribes are not limited in the form of money, but can be in other forms such as valuable goods, checks, giro, holidays, and others that are considered valuable to the receiver. There is no limit on the nominal value / price in receipts categorized as bribes.

As the person who upholds Trustworthy’s integrity and values, any individuals in Intiland will not be tempted and will stay away from accepting bribes.

Corruption is an act of enriching oneself and/or other person/group consciously in a way but not limited to fraud, markups, embezzlement, manipulation, extortion, conspiracy to the detriment of Intiland’s finances.

Intiland strictly prohibits and will provide strict sanctions, including termination of employment for the employees who receive bribes or corruption.

2022 Training and Development Program

During 2022, The Company carried out several training and development programs such as seminars or workshops, consist of:

Training and/or Development for Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Committees, Corporate Secretary, and Internal Audit (2022)

Training and/or Development for Employees (2022)

Human Resources (“HR”) remains the most important asset for the Company. Excellent human resources made up the Company’s primary capital in realizing its vision, mission, and goals. The Company acknowledged that the direction and progress of the Company has been largely determined by the quality and competence of its human resources.

The Company annually organized a series of HR development programs in various forms and activities. This step was aimed to prepare competent and professionally superior employees to face business dynamics and challenges, so that they were able to act as the driving force for sustainable business growth.

Efforts to develop HR competence were carried out, among others, through four main strategies, which include:
1. Competence assessment;
2. Competence mapping;
3. Centralized assessment, and;
4. Internal feedback.

The Company also implemented HR development programs, including knowledge center, internal training programs, development
programs, as well as several innovation activities and competitions, which were implemented as priority programs, which have
been ongoing for years.

In practice, human resource development has always been aligned with the direction and level of the Company’s needs as well as the application of corporate values whose theme changes every year. The Company ensures that all employees understand the Company’s values through orientation programs and internal campaigns. For 2022, the Company determined to name it the Year of Caring.

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