Corporate Social Responsibility

Intiland believes that business performance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities can run simultaneously to achieve sustainable growth. In line with the vision to provide a comfortable life, Intiland continues to contribute positively to your life and the environment.

Intiland’s commitment is manifested through a program that has been prepared to achieve sustainable growth. This commitment is based on several principles:

  1. CSR is an integral part of the Good Corporate Governance (GCG)
  2. There is a global awareness on the importance of good CSR practices
  3. The growth in the people’s concern for business ethics and accountability
  4. The emerging expectation for corporates to build synergy and positive collaboration with the society to achieve mutual growth


Intiland CSR Policy

The Company defines CSR practices as a form of commitment and dedication that benefits stakeholders, both internally (employees) and externally (environment, community and consumers). The Company recognizes the great role that external factors play, such as in social and environmental life. Along with the internal elements, the Company manifests its commitment in a transparent and ethical manner based on the principles of volunteerism and partnership, in order to achieve sustainable business growth.

Legal Basis

The Company implements CSR strategy policy in order to create a conducive and sustainable business climate. The obligation to apply CSR is also regulated in Law no. 25 of 2007 on Capital Investment, Article 15 letter b which states “every investor is obliged to carry out corporate social responsibility”, and Limited Liability Company Law (UUPT) No 40 year 2007 article 74.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) shall administer the implementation of CSR programs to public companies through Bapepam Rule Number X.K.6 concerning Submission of Annual Issuers or Public Companies Reports. These provisions and regulations serve as guidance as well as guidelines for the Company to implement a good social responsibility program.

The implementation of the CSR program of the Company adopts 4 (four) of 7 (seven) aspects of CSR as set forth in ISO 26000. These four aspects include environment, employment, community empowerment, and responsibility for products and consumers.

Core Program

Intiland is fully committed to the implementation of CSR, where such commitments are not limited to the preparation of program and activity lists. The implementation of the CSR program of the Company adopts 4 (four) of 7 (seven) aspects of CSR as set forth in ISO 26000. These four aspects include environment, employment, community empowerment, and responsibility for products and consumers.

The Company is committed to ethical business practice as the employment. Some important aspects of CSR in the field of employment are set out in ISO 26000, including clear working status, labor exploitation, safety, discrimination practice, forced labor, and underage labor. This reference also regulates the level of employee welfare that includes appropriate remuneration, adequate working condition, working hours that do not reduce employees’ responsibility to their family, increased employment opportunities, career development, career promotion, employ local workers and employee welfare. These factors are regulated in the company’s regulations, policies in the field of human resource management, as well as aspects and procedures that relate to employment.

The Company also takes into account the aspects of Health and Safety (K3) implementation in its operational activities. As a property developer, the Company pays attention to the K3 aspect especially for workers in the project environment with high level of accident risk. In the selection of contractors, the Company applies K3 standard as one of the must-have requirements. The application of K3 aspect can also be explained through policy on the provision of health facilities, insurance, leave, and employee working hours. This policy aims at providing protection for all of the Company’s employees so as to increase productivity.

The Company realizes that every human being is entitled to a decent job in accordance with his or her abilities. The Company, therefore, applies the principle of gender equality in many aspects of the work. starting from the recruitment process to career development. The recruitment process is based on competency and professionalism considerations. Every employee has the opportunity to gain achievement, climb career ladder, and get promotion to higher position.

As an effort to improve the quality of human resources management, the Company implements Human Capital Information System (HCIS). This system helps the management process of employee administration, and performance management system (PMS). The Company believes that effort to improve the capability of human resources is an important factor because it positively impacts the Company’s future progress. The training program is tailored to the needs, potentials and talents, and is participated by all levels, from the lower rank to General Manager level.

The Company is very concerned about the impact of every development process on the surrounding environment, from the start of the planning process, the construction implementation, to the after sales stages of the product, such as the management of the area and the building.

Intiland always puts environmentally friendly elements at the fore of every project it develops. This has become the Company’s commitment, and can be seen from the selection and use of safe and energy-efficient materials in the Company’s projects. This commitment has been reflected from the year 1984 during the construction of Intiland Tower, when environmental issues and green building design has not been the concern of the public.

The concrete action of this environmental awareness can be seen in the following Intiland’s projects:

South Quarter:

Development and construction of the South Quarter refers to the terms and rules of the green building. The South Quarter has a Gold certificate based on the reference of Green Building Council Indonesia for eco-friendly and energy-efficient design.

Serenia Hills:

In cooperation with Yayasan Sangga Buana, the Company has built an integrated waste treatment center. All the household waste in the area is managed and processed independently into fertilizer and fodder.

Pesanggrahan river conservation, where the Company works with local communities in conservation area, such as bamboo planting around Pesanggrahan river.

Graha Natura:

The Company has built an Integrated sewage Treatment Plant by cooperating with Dutch company Qua-Vac B.V. This waste treatment center makes the residential estate Graha Natura free of household waste, both solid waste and liquid waste that can pollute the environment. The use of this integrated waste management system also ensures that every house in the region is free from septic tanks.

The Company collaborates with Seameo Biotrop (Southeast Asia Regional Center for Biology Tropical) and Purwodadi Botanical Gardens in conservation and biodiversity efforts by planting 10,000 trees from 1,000 species of archipelago trees.

The Company believes that the success of a company is inseparable source from the contribution of the surrounding community. For that reason, the Company always strives to be socially and environmentally responsible to contribute to the improvement of people’s quality of life.

In 2017, the Company provided technical assistance and expertise to PT Triputra Agro Persada in developing Child Friendly Integrated Public (RPTRA) in Semper, North Jakarta. RPTRA was inaugurated by Jakarta Acting Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat. This program was initiated by DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as a manifestation of providing decent and friendly urban environment for children.

The Company also helps to improve the quality of life of the people in Pacitan, East Java by building 106 simple houses on 1.7 hectares of land. The implementation of the People’s House Development program is in line with the One Million House program launched by the Government. The Company runs this program by partnering with three regional developers: PT Menara Tinggi Bertumbuh, PT Cipta Griya Sriwijaya and PT Multi Bangun Realtindo. This collaborative program with those developers creates synergy between national developers and local developers to succeed the implementation of the One Million House program.

The Company is also pro-actively engaged in community involvement and empowerment program in sports. In 2017, this commitment is realized by establishing cooperation with the Badminton Association (PB) Tangkas, one of the leading badminton sports clubs in Indonesia. Through this cooperation, the name of PB Tangkas has officially changed to PB Tangkas Intiland. The Company is committed to actively participate in promoting the national badminton sport through the search and training of talented badminton players across Indonesia. The partnership also focuses on the development and upgrading the skills of the athletes of PB Tangkas Intiland, as they participate in national and international championships.

The Company also conducts Community Involvement and Development program for residents living in the area surrounding projects developed by the Company. The program involves local people in business activities as well as providing training and workshop. At the Serenia Hills housing project in South Jakarta, the Company provides training, education and art course for the surrounding community. The Company proactively provides assistance for the repair of social and public facility and infrastructure.

As an effort to improve the quality of human resources management, the Company implements Human Capital Information System (HCIS). This system helps the management process of employee administration, and performance management system (PMS). The Company believes that effort to improve the capability of human resources is an important factor because it positively impacts the Company’s future progress. The training program is tailored to the needs, potentials and talents, and is participated by all levels, from the lower rank to General Manager level.

The Company is committed to always maintaining and improving the quality of products and services for consumers. Attention to the importance of maintaining product quality is realized with the meticulousness, from the planning process to the handover of the property unit to the consumer. One example is in the selection of the building materials where the Company refers to the applicable Indonesian national and international standards. In the selection of building materials, the Company always pays attention to aspects of health and safety for consumers. In an effort to maintain the quality of product and service, the Company also provides the warranty period of 100 – 365 (one hundred to three hundred sixty five) days after the handover of the unit to consumers.

Product responsibility is also realized through the process of design planning that concerns the convenience, security and added value for consumers. The commitment has received appreciation and recognition from a number of parties, one of them in the form of awarding.

The Company’s commitment to its product responsibility is realized through the functions of customer relationship management (CRM). One of the primary functions is to improve the quality of service for customers and act as a medium of communication between customers and the Company. Customers are equipped with facilities and channels to communicate with the Company, either in the form of complaints or suggestions for improving product quality.

The Company recognizes that product and consumer responsibility is one of the most important aspects to be taken into account in order to maintain the quality standards of products and services. In some project developments, the Company provides contact personnel, telephone numbers, mailboxes, and custom email addresses for customer complaints. The Company also always keeps the confidentiality of customer data so as not to be misused or used irresponsibly.

Intiland Berbagi

In order to enliven the National Book Day which falls on May 17th, Intiland Foundation through Intiland Berbagi program will hold Book Donation Drive activities, which is book collection for children.

The Book Donation Drive program initiated by Intiland Foundation received with great enthusiasm. The 14-day activity invites employees, tenants, and consumers from company to donate books, stationery, and other school equipment. A total of 4.964 books were successfully donated to a number of social communities engaged in education, such as Mata Kita, 1001 Buku, Sekar Paramita Foundation, and Street Children Alternative School (SAAJA), located at Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan.

Intiland Teduh

Through Intiland Teduh program, the Company also conducts community involvement and development program for people living around the projects being developed. This program has a mission to improve the quality of life of the community, by providing the less fortunate with assistance for the improvement of decent housing. 

The program has been implemented by means of building simple homes for residents in Pekong, Saga village, Balaraja – Tangerang. This location is adjacent to one of Intiland’s projects, the Talaga Bestari residential estate. In partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Intiland Teduh program has built 25 units of modest homes and one public toilet. This assistance program is enjoyed by 25 Heads of Family (KK) and as many as 101 residents. The implementation of the program directly benefits the community during the process of building their homes. 

In addition to infrastructure improvements, Intiland Teduh program also provides education on Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), including raising awareness of the importance of waste management and washing hands with soap.

This year, the Intiland Foundation has once again partnered with Habitat for Humanity to carry out Intiland Teduh program in Neglasari – Tangerang City, which is adjacent to the company’s Aeropolis project. Through this partnership, Intiland Foundation and Habitat for Humanity are committed to build as many as 20 modest habitable homes and 40 family toilets for low-income communities in the region. The implementation of this program also proactively involves the local community directly as beneficiaries in the process of building their homes. In addition to the program, Intiland Foundation handed home renovation assistance to Mrs. Tura, one of the Sungailiat residents of Bangka Belitung Province. The handover was conducted on Friday, April 13, 2018, along with the 46th anniversary of Real Estate Indonesia (REI).

RPTRA (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak)

Intiland also participates in the construction of integrated child-friendly public space (RPTRA) with Jakarta Provincial government. The Company is highly committed to the program, going further than just providing the physical park; the Company also helps with the empowerment of the community living in the surrounding area. Intiland is so far involved in the construction of three RPTRA around Jakarta. 

The first finished RPTRA is located in Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta, it was officially opened by Jakarta Governor, Basuki T. Purnama on 30 December 2015. The community development program at RPTRA Karet Tengsin started in February 2016. 

The Company’s participation in the development of RPTRA is part of Intiland Teduh, another awareness action program aimed at improving the quality of the people’s lives. Another activity of Intiland Teduh program is house rent assistance to 240 families living in government-managed rented flats (Rusunawa) in Pesakih, Marunda and Pinus Elok for three months. For this activity, the Company collaborated with Indonesia Real Estate Association (REI) through Ramadhan Rumah Impian program.

Intiland School of Hospitality

A living well is the right of every citizen. There are many things that determine the success of every citizen to achieve a comfortable life. The difficulty of getting a decent education and lack of employment is often a factor that prevent society in creating a better life. These two factors are mutually influencing one another. The quality of education tends to be directly proportional to economic condition of the community.

In recent years, the government’s education quality improvement program has been much better, but in practice it is still uneven, especially in non-urban areas. The educational gap between urban and non-urban areas has resulted in an increasing number of educated unemployed every year. Therefore, it takes a practical solution that can break the circle of the problem by building collaboration and synergy between parties.

Intiland feels the need to take part to solve those problems. Since the issue is not easily solved one by one in a linear way, it needs an integrated and independent link & match program that is able to reach the educational and economic problems simultaneously. Through Intiland Foundation, Company took initiative to establish Intesa School of Hospitality (Intesa), Lembaga Pendidikan Keterampilan (LPK) in hospitality field in Yogyakarta.

The establishment of Intesa is one of actions of Intiland’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program as a manifestation of its commitment to Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) referring to provisions of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and ISO 26000. Since its establishment in 2013, Intesa is expected to be link & match program that can help people improve their quality of life.

There are 3 things that become basic consideration for establishment and excellence of Intesa, including:

  1. Provision of quality educational facilities and infrastructure
  2. Provision of scholarships for underprivileged students
  3. Provision of support for availability of employment

Intesa School Synergy & Collaboration

To maximize achievement of goal in establishing Intesa, Intiland collaborates with competent and trustworthy institutions. Preparation of curriculum and provision of teaching staff is done together with Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STP). Meanwhile, the teaching methods and curriculum are specifically designed and developed by adopting a competency-based curriculum of the Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CACT) to deliver skilled personnel in hospitality field that combines proportional approach to theory and work practices.

The theoretical approach model that is given to students refers to applicable best practices and become hospitality industry service standard, thus helping students to become proficient and ready-to-work people, especially in Front Office, Food and Beverage (F&B) Service, and Housekeeping.

In the process of socialization of educational programs, Intesa also cooperate and get support from Dinas Tenaga Kerja Yogyakarta, DPD Himpunan Lembaga Latihan Seluruh Indonesia (DPD HILLSI) Yogyakarta, and Dinakertrans Bantul. Besides that, Intesa also established close cooperation with SMK in Yogyakarta, Wonosari, Sleman, and several other cities.

In an effort to ensure sustainability, Intesa cooperates with many hotel chains in Indonesia and several hotels in Malaysia, particularly Intiwhiz hotel chain which is also owned by the company. This cooperation includes providing opportunities for Intesa students in On the Job Training (OJT) program and recruitment upon completion of education period.

Intesa education program lasts for 1 year-where the first six months students are equipped with theory and practice at school then do On the Job Training (OJT) six months later. In addition to theory and practice, students are also equipped with English language education, character building, and interview training.

In addition to a practical and complete education program, Intesa’s excellence lies in educational funding program for outstanding students and students from underprivileged families. Intesa offers three payment tuition schemes that really help prospective students, namely; Regular, Cut wages, and Scholarship. In Cut wages mechanism, Intesa gives students the opportunity to pay 50% (fifty percent) of the total cost during education period and the rest is paid after the student works. Meanwhile, for the scholarship program, Intiland Foundation provides assistance of 100 percent tuition fee to graduate school.

In the end, the establishment of Intesa is expected to be an effective solution to the problem of limitations in obtaining good education and job opportunities. Through Intesa, Intiland Foundation tries to offer a practical solution that is expected to address a number of issues and needs of community, government, and business world.

The Intiland Foundation

The Intiland Foundation is an umbrella organization for CSR programs and activities, including planning, implementation, management, and monitoring & evaluation. Established on 24 May 2012, the Intiland Foundation has successfully designed a broad range of strategies in the area of social responsibility that encompass a wide range of activities, including collaboration and collaboration with organizations or nonprofits. The Intiland Foundation plays a role in overseeing the outcomes of directly sponsored and undertaken social activities on the Company’s projects, so as to be useful and gain the trust of the community.


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