A living well is the right of every citizen. There are many things that determine the success of every citizen to achieve a comfortable life. The difficulty of getting a decent education and lack of employment is often a factor that prevent society in creating a better life. These two factors are mutually influencing one another. The quality of education tends to be directly proportional to economic condition of the community.
In recent years, the government’s education quality improvement program has been much better, but in practice it is still uneven, especially in non-urban areas. The educational gap between urban and non-urban areas has resulted in an increasing number of educated unemployed every year. Therefore, it takes a practical solution that can break the circle of the problem by building collaboration and synergy between parties.
Intiland feels the need to take part to solve those problems. Since the issue is not easily solved one by one in a linear way, it needs an integrated and independent link & match program that is able to reach the educational and economic problems simultaneously. Through Intiland Foundation, Company took initiative to establish Intesa School of Hospitality (Intesa), Lembaga Pendidikan Keterampilan (LPK) in hospitality field in Yogyakarta.
The establishment of Intesa is one of actions of Intiland’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program as a manifestation of its commitment to Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) referring to provisions of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) and ISO 26000. Since its establishment in 2013, Intesa is expected to be link & match program that can help people improve their quality of life.
There are 3 things that become basic consideration for establishment and excellence of Intesa, including:
- Provision of quality educational facilities and infrastructure
- Provision of scholarships for underprivileged students
- Provision of support for availability of employment
Intesa School Synergy & Collaboration
To maximize achievement of goal in establishing Intesa, Intiland collaborates with competent and trustworthy institutions. Preparation of curriculum and provision of teaching staff is done together with Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STP). Meanwhile, the teaching methods and curriculum are specifically designed and developed by adopting a competency-based curriculum of the Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum (CACT) to deliver skilled personnel in hospitality field that combines proportional approach to theory and work practices.
The theoretical approach model that is given to students refers to applicable best practices and become hospitality industry service standard, thus helping students to become proficient and ready-to-work people, especially in Front Office, Food and Beverage (F&B) Service, and Housekeeping.
In the process of socialization of educational programs, Intesa also cooperate and get support from Dinas Tenaga Kerja Yogyakarta, DPD Himpunan Lembaga Latihan Seluruh Indonesia (DPD HILLSI) Yogyakarta, and Dinakertrans Bantul. Besides that, Intesa also established close cooperation with SMK in Yogyakarta, Wonosari, Sleman, and several other cities.
In an effort to ensure sustainability, Intesa cooperates with many hotel chains in Indonesia and several hotels in Malaysia, particularly Intiwhiz hotel chain which is also owned by the company. This cooperation includes providing opportunities for Intesa students in On the Job Training (OJT) program and recruitment upon completion of education period.
Intesa education program lasts for 1 year-where the first six months students are equipped with theory and practice at school then do On the Job Training (OJT) six months later. In addition to theory and practice, students are also equipped with English language education, character building, and interview training.
In addition to a practical and complete education program, Intesa’s excellence lies in educational funding program for outstanding students and students from underprivileged families. Intesa offers three payment tuition schemes that really help prospective students, namely; Regular, Cut wages, and Scholarship. In Cut wages mechanism, Intesa gives students the opportunity to pay 50% (fifty percent) of the total cost during education period and the rest is paid after the student works. Meanwhile, for the scholarship program, Intiland Foundation provides assistance of 100 percent tuition fee to graduate school.
In the end, the establishment of Intesa is expected to be an effective solution to the problem of limitations in obtaining good education and job opportunities. Through Intesa, Intiland Foundation tries to offer a practical solution that is expected to address a number of issues and needs of community, government, and business world.